Privacy Policy

Effective Date: April 02, 2020

This privacy policy applies to services provided by Fxx Studio and contains the following information. This privacy policy will describe how Fxx Studio collects and uses the personal information of users and what actions Fxx Studio takes to protect personal information. Users may withdraw consent at any time if they do not want their personal information collected, used, provided, or destroyed. However, if users withdraw, they may be unable to use all or part of the service. Also, the information collected is the minimum information required to provide the service.

1. Collection of Information

The app never collects your personal information.

2. Use of Information Collected

App do not collect personal information.

3. Shared Information

App do not provide personal information to third parties.

4. Updating and Deleting Information

Updating information provided by the platform provider. Users may request updates of their own data from the platform provider at any time while using the service. Users who are nationals of EU member nations may additionally request access, rectification, adaptation or alteration, transfer or movement of their data, and may restrict or oppose processing or profiling (collectively referred to as "processing", below).

Fxx Studio has no authority to process data provided to the platform provider by the user. Therefore, if users request processing of their own data provided to Fxx Studio by the platform provider, Fxx Studio will inform users that it has no authority to process user data and instruct them to request data processing from the platform provider and/or social media provider

Updating information collected while using the service. Users may request updating or processing of their own data from Fxx Studio while using the service (restricted to nationals of EU member nations) and, unless data must be kept for reasonable business purposes or legal purposes, Fxx Studio will attempt to fulfill this processing request without delay. Furthermore, this requested user data processing will be provided free of charge so long as it does not require excessive effort to comply, and Fxx Studio may request verification of user identity before updating or processing the data.

However, the user request may be denied if it is unreasonably repeated, if it requires excessive technical effort to comply (e.g. if a new system must be developed or existing practices must be fundamentally changed), if the request impinges upon others' rights or freedoms, or if the request is extremely impractical. In such cases, the user may lodge an objection or file a civil complaint with the privacy protection agency in the user's country of residence in accordance with Fxx Studio's CS procedure for rejection of processing.

Information Delete: To protect user data from accidental or malicious deletion and for maintenance and management of the service, copies of user data may not be immediately deleted from service servers even after a user deletes his or her data from the service. Furthermore, data may not be deleted from backup systems for a certain period of time to comply with laws in the user's country of residence and/or the country of Fxx Studio's business jurisdiction. In such cases, this data will be deleted without delay once the storage period required by relevant laws has elapsed.

5. Privacy Policy Applicability & Changes

The Privacy Policy does not apply to other sites (including advertisements) linked to the service or sites that may be included in the service. Furthermore, the Privacy Policy is subject to occasional change. If changes are made to the Privacy Policy, these changes will be announced to users beforehand, and if these changes are significant, they will be announced via email or push notifications etc.

6. Help Center

Fxx Studio does its utmost to protect and safeguard user data. If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or use of user data or would like to know more, please contact our Help Center indicated below.

[Help Center]
Privacy Officer
Email [email protected]